We are happy to be launching BlackHistoryBikeRide.com just in time for February 2021. Our mission is to present BIPOC history to the masses through fun adventures on a bike. Together we can create a more informed community and go on some great bike rides.
The first Black History Bike Ride occurred on June 14th in Austin TX, with over 400 riders that attended after Talib’s social media posts went viral. Due to Covid 19 concerns, we are not holding any large rides until it is deemed safe. Thanks to the generosity of our Austin community, we have gathered donations to make this website as a way to enjoy the ride in a safe and socially distanced manner.
Black History Bike Ride is a part of Six Square’s non-profit incubator program. We are, essentially, a baby organization. Please consider donating to the Black History Bike Ride via Six Square to keep our mission alive!
Our hope is to bring this resource to more cities outside of Austin. Contact us if you are interested in creating a bike route or volunteering in your city!